FATHER: Listen. Sit quietly WITH Me each day, often- through the day, and listen. Simply listen. Quiet your ambitions, your desires, your noise and KNOW that I AM near, so very near. I AM near enough to plant kisses- and I do.
I created you. I have not cast you into the wilderness to fend for yourself. No, never. I cherish you. I long to be near you. I accompany you, most nearly when you consciously welcome Me. How I delight to rush to you and hold you tenderly when you welcome Me.
Do I sound like a tyrant? I am not. I AM Love, unconditional, rushing torrents of love so great, so strong, they called forth a part of Me, My Son, Who agreed…to be among you, My delightful creatures. You were created to commune with.
The more you can train yourself to sit quietly WITH Me, the more you will grasp the depth of My Love, and the broader your experience and understanding of COMMUNION with Me.
Follow My footsteps, the path I have laid down. The path many before you have chosen and
have left their guidance and tips on along the way. Find a traveling companion in one who has gone before you. Because, you see, they still exist, on a different plane, in Heaven’s courts, leaning over to see, when allowed, to intercede, to champion, to call forth, to grieve with, reminiscent of their own journey. They feel deeply, yet they have the ABSOLUTE knowledge of the glory which awaits. As you do not, then accept the gift of their very REAL friendship. A friendship purified by their existence in the very Real presence of Me.
Think then and marvel at the possibility of the closer reality, the nearness, the touch, the feel of their presence as you dwell more in the very REAL presence of My existence in the Eucharist. Receiving Me frequently purifies this friendship with Me, with My servants who have walked their path triumphantly.
Me: How do I practically do this?
JESUS: Ask. Ask My Father to reveal those He will allow to walk so closely with you.
Ask them, the Saints in Heaven, “Who among you sees me and desires to be my companion?”
TRUST and pay attention. They will draw near- to comfort, encourage, and assist in your path, honoring your desire to prevail over earth’s burdens. They WILL intercede on your behalf.
Fully human, fully divine has always been My nature. Fully human to become divine, this is your inheritance. They know, they see, they remember.
Remember this: The Body of Christ- we belong together. We belong to each other to exist as one body. Mystical, yes, and this adds to their desire to serve you from their place in My glory. You are family. They desire you to be one with Us, as we desired them to be one with Us.
This is your family inheritance.
Pray on this.