Susan Yurkewicz is the Principal of Harbor Lily Creative, an author, and mom of seven.
Susan is passionate about creating and facilitating unique pathways that “keep the door of communication open” between people in a broad array of relationships and applications. Her personal mission is to help others be open to God’s message. One such message is that the world is in desperate need of beauty -- a beauty that flourishes when each individual courageously shares their unique gifts and talents with others. A gift given solely to them for the good of our world.
Her self-published book, TRIUMPH: A Story of Finding Hope In A Love That Knows No Bounds, about her seventh son John Michael, who given an adverse prenatal diagnosis, transformed many lives in his brief time on earth has been made available to purchase HERE.
Susan draws creative inspiration from a unique composite of lived experiences. Born as the middle child of 12, she served in the United States Navy and worked at various media (print/broadcast) outlets early in her career. After concentrating over two decades to raising her seven children with her husband Steve, she felt called to expand her understanding and working knowledge of communication. This led her to take the plunge and delve back into the role of student to earn her Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from Mercyhurst University in 2019.
Susan lives in Erie, Pa-- with her husband, Steve, a house full of kids, goldfish, and a dog named Millie. To follow Susan, subscribe below, and on Facebook at

Harbor Lily Creative was founded by Susan Yurkewicz to encourage others to act on their talents and share them with the world, because the world NEEDS what has been gifted to you!
We provide inspiration, support, tools, and resources for:
Individuals who are seeking to discover or bring forth their God-given talent(s) to the world
Corporations, nonprofits and faith-based organizations seeking to better tell their story to customers, potential customers, stakeholders and employees.
We create strategic communications (written, spoken, video, or audio messages) and develop or enhance programs by:
LISTENING to the needs and identifying what is wanting to happen.
IDEA GENERATION to build on concepts and enhance planning
RESEARCHING the intended audience to best understand and reach those for whom the message or program is intended.
PLANNING a strategic path to best engage audience with ideal message or program elements.
COLLABORATING with clients and partners (if necessary) to enhance the reach and reception of intended audience.