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Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to engage audiences and promote your ideas, talents, products, programs, and services to the world.  Through the power of beauty, awe, inspiration, faith, hope, authenticity and connection, Harbor Lily Creative brings forth the appropriate images and messages that will resonate with your target audiences through video and other media. 



Are you feeling a little “stuck” and don’t feel that your ideas are good enough or creative enough or your message doesn’t resonate with audiences like you wish it did?  Harbor Lily Creative offers individual or group idea generation and/or brainstorming sessions. Whether it is an hour-long coaching session for an individual or group or a half-day or full day retreat, we can customize a session that can meet your needs. 

Image by Marc Kleen
Tube Microphone in Studio


Harbor Lily Creative hosts a monthly podcast that highlights individual talents and what makes an individual or their journey so unique.  It’s an incredible feat to find how one person’s life intersects in incredible ways with society.  Come learn the secret that will blow you away- each and every person comes with a special gift to enrich our world! 

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Harbor Lily Creative offers several presentations for: 

 Individuals, Church, and Civic Groups: ​   


  • Triumph: Finding Hope in Difficult Situations


  • Family Life: Loving “YOUR” people

  • Choosing Joy: It’s There For The Taking

  • Creativity/Talents: The world needs YOU

  • Medical Grand Rounds, Physician, Nursing and Medical Professionals:

    • Caregiving in Difficult Situations: Understand Your Impact on the Patient Experience



Erie, Pennsylvania 16509

Finding Hope In Difficult Situations

In this moving and inspirational talk, Susan tells the story of her journey of life with John Michael, her seventh child, who only lived outside the womb for 48 hours. This experience was a teaching moment: to let go of typical expectations that come with pregnancy and delivered valuable lessons to Susan, her family, and the community about how to find hope and “live in the moment.” The focus of this talk is on the GIFTS offered specifically for this journey…there for the taking but to be received only by acknowledging and accepting them. 

Caregiving in Difficult Situations:

Understand Your Impact on the Patient Experience

(This program is designed for medical professionals and is perfect for Medical Grand Rounds or a professional development program for nurses and other direct care staff)


The key to understanding bedside manner is recognizing the importance of your role and the impact you have, the moment you enter a patient’s room.  Your manner, responses, and most importantly the connection you offer…or hold back on, all become part of the “Patient Experience.”  Susan and her husband, Steve lived through many encounters within the medical community when they were handed an “incompatible with life,” adverse prenatal diagnosis, while Susan was 19 weeks into pregnancy.  


Susan makes no claims of being a medical professional, but offers this talk  to educate those within the profession regarding the truth that when you treat a patient, your manner and communication delivery all become part of the patients “story” forever more.  Learn how to make your impact a positive one, especially in difficult situations.

Sharing Your Creativity and Talents: The World Needs YOU!

Do you feel a calling to do something professionally or some internal pull to a “hobby” or passion project?  If so, there is a reason for your drive.  You have been given a talent…and the world needs what you have to offer.  Over countless years of humanity’s progress there have never been two people exactly alike.  FACT: your fingerprints are UNIQUE and so are YOU!  In your individuality, is a gift embedded for the whole of humanity.  Have you felt it stirring within you?  Have you offered it to the world or are you still sitting on it, shy and self-doubting that it is of value?  It’s time to challenge these inner self doubts, silence the critics who seek to distract, and move forward in embracing your duty to share what has been GIFTED to you!

Family Life: Loving “YOUR” People

Most people have a mental image of what life will look and feel like when they embark on the path of marriage and family life.  The reality is, there is no possible way to know everything about a spouse or what’s coming with the children who will become part of the family’s fabric.  And yet, that’s the beauty within the vocation of marriage… learning to love- no matter what your family members bring to the table.  Susan draws from a wealth of life experience to promote a mindset of choosing the people who make up your family as “YOUR” people-even (and especially) in the midst of difficulty.

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