Triumph:A Story of Finding Hope
"This is a book about a little saint - John Michael Yurkewicz. ... This story is an invitation to hope and to keep our eyes focused on Jesus throughout all the sufferings and tragedies that can come our way."
Fr. Larry Richards,
Founder, The Reason for Our Hope Foundation

The phone rang–
Doctors confirmed our son had Trisomy 18. Despair yelled, “This condition is “Incompatible with life!” Then Hope gently whispered, “Trust.”
This true-life story welcomes you into our journey through the many unknowns we faced with an adverse prenatal diagnosis, such as:
Would our son be born alive?
Would he be deformed?
What do we tell our children—his siblings?
What do we do with the hopes and dreams that came alive when we discovered we were expecting again?
Many insights were gained and it is our privilege and honor to share what we have gleaned along the way. We learned our son, John Michael, had a purpose no matter the length of his life or condition of his body. Our purpose in sharing our son with you would be that Hope would be wrung into your life from the tear soaked tissues that littered ours. Courage would triumph in the face of fear in your lives like it did in ours as we welcomed our son… come what may.
The Author is Susan Yurkewicz and the Forward is by Fr. Larry Richards.
TRIumph: A Story of Finding Hope in a Love That Knows No Bounds
TRIumph: A Story of Finding Hope in a Love That Knows No Bounds

TRIumph Is Here!

Joe Miller Unplugged Episode 34: Highlight Show

Yurkewicz CMN Family - Festival of Trees 2013

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